Posts Tagged ‘tourists’

Della Rotonda

Piazza della Rotonda, Rome, Italy “Night at the Piazza della Rotonda“ Two weeks ago, Nancy and I were lucky enough to find ourselves in one of the world’s most romantic cities — Rome, Italy — for Valentine’s Day. We found ourselves at sunset relaxing with a drink in one of the neat little cafes around […]

Della Rotonda is a post from: the Photo Tourist

Quirigua HDR

High Definition Images (HDR) images taken during a tour group visit to Quirigua Archaeological Park in central Guatemala. Quirigua is home of one of the largest and most well-preserved collections of Mayan stelae and zoomorphs of the Mayan classic period, displayed under thatched roofs in beautifully manicured gardens.

Quirigua HDR is a post from:
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